The server response is invalid. Please inform the administrator. Error: K52510511
# Mitigation for K52510511: Advanced WAF/ASM Buffer Overflow vulnerability CVE-2021-22992 when RULE_INIT { # Set static::debug 1 to enable debug logging. set static::debug 0 set static::max_length 4000 } when HTTP_REQUEST { if {$static::debug}{ set LogString "Client [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] -> [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" } set uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] } when HTTP_RESPONSE { set header_names [HTTP::header names] set combined_header_name [join $header_names ""] set combined_header_name_len [string length $combined_header_name] if {$static::debug}{ log local0. "=================response======================" log local0. "$LogString (response)" log local0. "combined header names: $combined_header_name" foreach aHeader [HTTP::header names] { log local0. "$aHeader: [HTTP::header value $aHeader]" } log local0. "the length of the combined response header names: $combined_header_name_len" log local0. "=============================================" } if { ( $combined_header_name_len > $static::max_length ) } { log local0. "In the response of '$uri', the length of the combined header names $combined_header_name_len exceeds the maximum value $static::max_length. See K52510511: Advanced WAF/ASM Buffer Overflow vulnerability CVE-2021-22992" HTTP::respond 502 content " |
} } |
6. 选择Finished
7. 将iRule与受影响的虚拟服务器相关联
1. 登录到受影响的Advanced WAF/ASM系统的配置实用程序
2. 进入Security > Application Security > Sessions and Logins > Login Pages List
3. 从Current edited policy list中选择安全策略
4. 从这两个设置中删除所有配置
5. 选择保存以保存更改
6. 选择Apply Policy,应用更改
7. 选择OK以确认操作
1. 登录到受影响的BIG-IP Advanced WAF/ASM系统的配置实用程序
2. 进入Security > Application Security > Sessions and Logins > Login Pages List
3. 从Current edited policy list中选择安全策略
4. 选择要删除的登录页面配置
5. 选择Delete
6. 选择OK确认删除
7. 选择Apply Policy,应用更改
8. 选择OK确认操作
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